February 16, 2016
The difference between oil and latex in a paint job

A paint job is without a doubt a very complex job and one needs to be very careful when selecting the materials to be used in it, from the brushes, rolls, and of course, the paint. One needs to be careful on selecting the best quality paint for the job. And here comes the reason for this post, when selecting ... Continue reading
February 11, 2016
Theory of color and how it applies to home restoration

Without a shadow of a doubt when you perform a home restoration job you will find yourself at a point where you (or the person you are doing it for) will come across the question of what colors will be used for the finishing touches of the work. Well, there are a few things you need to know about color. ... Continue reading
February 06, 2016
The importance of checking the previous paint job on a home restoration job

When you perform a home restoration project which is centered around re-painting your home you need to be very careful with the previous paint job. Yes, we know what you are thinking: I’m going to apply new paint, why should I care for the paint that was applied before? Well, we’re about to tell you why you should care, A ... Continue reading
January 19, 2016
Home Restoration: Don’t forget about electricity

As we expressed in previous occasions, home restoration means take down and rebuild in a majority of cases, and when that is the case, there is one issue that you need to be very careful of: electricity. And we don’t only mean to be aware of where the wiring comes to the area you are restoring from the main panel ... Continue reading
January 14, 2016
Home Restoration: What to keep and what not to keep

When you decide to perform a home restoration one of the questions that will always come up is what to keep and what not to keep. It is a very important question as it will allow you to know how much money you can save in the whole process. Today we want to talk about the benefits of leaving wooden ... Continue reading
January 12, 2016
Home Restoration or makeover? What is the difference?

This is an interesting question: Home Restoration or Makeover?. And we want to tackle it as many people confuse one with the other. So it is important to start by talking about the time factor: while doing a makeover could last a couple of weeks, a restoration itself may take a few months. Why is this possible? First and foremost ... Continue reading
January 09, 2016
Home Restoration: Do’s and Dont’s

In our last entry we talked about the process involved in home restoration, now we’re going to talk about some things that you really need to think about when you decide it is time to do it. The first thing to consider is the materials to use, never, ever, be cheap, the price of buying cheap materials will result in ... Continue reading
January 07, 2016
Home Restoration: What you need to know

It is not unusual that when you talk about home restoration people think about demolishing the house or a part thereof and rebuilding it again. Well this might and might not be as true as it seems. One of the most important things about home restoration is precisely the word “restoration” which means, we need to start by getting a ... Continue reading
January 05, 2016
Home Restoration: Know how to choose the right paint for the right job

To talk about home restoration is talking about a process that will turn an ugly house into a masterpiece. And knowing how to choose the right elements to do it, is a very delicate matter. Today we talk about selecting the right paint for the right job. First remember that colors have effects on the human mind, so think about ... Continue reading
September 10, 2015
When Minneapolis painters needs to say no

Holy cow! Is is really September and people still are looking to get the outside of their house done? Ok. Well I have some timelines about that. That timeline is October 15ish. The photo I have here is a wall I painted in South West neighborhood of Minneapolis. It was one of those jobs that had to get done no ... Continue reading