July 30, 2016
Home Restoration: Pipes for cold and hot water

In our last article about home restoration we spoke about plumbing and the complexity of this matter when it comes to this kind of job. Well, another thing that you need to add to it is the fact that not all plumbing or pipes if you want, are made for all types of water in terms of temperature. For a ... Continue reading
July 28, 2016
Home Restoration: Working with plumbing

There is no doubt that one of the most critical parts of home restoration comes when you get into the plumbing area of a house, no matter if it is the kitchen, bathroom or any other area, plumbing is very complex and needs to be addressed and worked on very carefully. When you work with plumbing you need to be ... Continue reading
July 26, 2016
Home Restoration: Glue or nalis when working with wood structures

When you do home restoration you will definitely find yourself in the scenario where you will need to setup a wood structure, either because it is an add-on to an existing one or because you are rebuilding one. Either way, when the time arrives to work with joints you will ask yourself this question for sure: nails or glue? Well ... Continue reading
July 21, 2016
Home Restoration: Fire and Smoke Stain Removal

There is no doubt that sometimes home restoration also means removing stains that, through time, become a real problem, and none more so than those caused by smoke and fire, and not only in fireplaces but in the surrounding areas. Let´s start with the stains on the furniture near the fireplace, because believe it or not, no matter how good ... Continue reading
July 19, 2016
Home Restoration: Working with wood

One of the most important things to know in Home Restoration is to work with a variety of materials, and when it comes to wood, nothing is more important, as you know, wood ages and is prone to a variety of factors that can put in risk even the most good looking construction. To start we recommend you to work ... Continue reading
July 16, 2016
Paint Contractor: Manual and automatic paint guns

When you are a paint contractor you usually choose what method to use when it comes to apply paint, and even when you choose a method like spray paint, there are still options, like for example, using a manual or an automatic paint gun. Today we are going to talk about both. For a start a manual spray gun is ... Continue reading
July 14, 2016
Paint Contractor: Using correctly a spray gun

When you are a paint contractor you need to know how to paint in a variety of surfaces and with a variety of tools, like spray guns, and today we are going to talk about how to correctly use this tool so if you want to use one you will not have any trouble and get the best results. The ... Continue reading
July 07, 2016
Paint Contractor: How to correctly use the paint roller

In all of our years as paint contractor we are constantly asked how to paint in different ways and manners, and none more so than using a paint roller, a tool that even though seems easy to use, it actually requires technique so you can cover the most surface in less time and also avoid spilling paint all over the place. ... Continue reading
July 02, 2016
Paint Contractor: Working with based oil paint

As a paint contractor I have to work with different kinds of paint, and one type of paint that is really complicated to work with is definitely oil based paint. And today we are going to tell you why. Differently from latex based paint, oil based paint does not dilute with water, therefore if you ever get your clothes stained ... Continue reading
June 30, 2016
Paint Contractor Tips: Do I need to thin my paint or not?

As a paint contractor I usually get asked about working with paint, specially latex paint which is the one most used in the majority of home restoration jobs. And the most common question is to whether or not thin the paint before applying to the surface. Well the first thing to do is to open the can (you can use ... Continue reading