November 04, 2016
Paint Job: Wood Stain and Sealers

Do you have a paint job coming up using stain and sealer for your wood? If so this article is for you. Mill City Restoration will give you the answers you need for that woodworking paint project. Remember that not all wood is the same. Graining, how tight the grain is, and the type of wood all play into how ... Continue reading
October 28, 2016
A Paint Job and the weather, the necessary combination

When Mill City Restoration prepares for a paint job, one vital piece of information is the weather. When is it too late for a good paint job? Can you stretch the painting season using oil paints? These are some of the questions about to be answered. So when is the best time to paint interior or exterior? If you schedule ... Continue reading
October 15, 2016
Paint Job: Taking care of your brushes after a job

Our tools are the omnipresent items that accompany us to all and any paint job we undertake, we are talking about our brushes, buckets, paint guns and so on and so forth, and of course, all of them help us achieve the results we look for when we do our job. This means we need to take care of them ... Continue reading
October 11, 2016
Paint Job: Correctly adding varnish to wood pieces

Sometimes a paint job can also refer to fixing and renewing wood pieces like furniture and/or bookshelves and other wood based pieces. In most cases paint is not the best way to go, instead, we choose to use varnish to give a better and fine look. And that is today’s topic. First and foremost we need to know that while ... Continue reading
October 08, 2016
Home Restoration: Precautions when working with solvents

There is no doubt that home restoration means, in most occasions, perform a paint job in place, and this means working with solvents (when using oil paint) and this kind of substances require careful handling in order to avoid accidents, fire and other hazards. The number one rule when working with solvents is to do it with the most ventilation ... Continue reading
October 06, 2016
Home Restoration: The importance of using space correctly

One the most important things when doing remodeling as a home restoration project is the use of space. More exactly put, how to make the best of it. And this is very critical because people is not always aware of the benefits implied on the simple fact of gaining or optimizing the available space on a property. Let’s see it ... Continue reading
October 04, 2016
Home Restoration: The importance of making a business stand out

Home Restoration also means making any place stand out. Specially if it is a business. And in today’s world when competition is fierce no matter what kind of business you are in, therefore, looking as good as possible is the only way to survive. And that is our topic today. One of the things we do in this business is ... Continue reading
October 01, 2016
Home Restoration: Door locks, replace or fix?

This is a very interesting question that comes along when you get into home restoration, door locks, do you change them or do you fix them? Well, there are certain things you might want to know that might help you answer that question. Now, how to determine if a lock is faulty? Well, the first sign is that the key ... Continue reading
September 29, 2016
Home Restoration: Installing a water heater

There is no doubt that home restoration involves a lot of processes and one of them is the installation of certain equipment in your home, one of them being the water heater. And that is our topic today. First let’s be clear on the wide variety of water heaters available on the market today, there are those that work with ... Continue reading
September 27, 2016
Home Restoration: Working with gas installations

If there is something very delicate to work with when doing home restoration (regardless of the level) that is installing stuff that requires connection to the gas piping. The dangers implied in this kind of jobs are plenty and they require not just of finesse when doing them but also extreme care in handling the tools used for the task. ... Continue reading