Home Restoration: What you need to know
It is not unusual that when you talk about home restoration people think about demolishing the house or a part thereof and rebuilding it again. Well this might and might not be as true as it seems.
One of the most important things about home restoration is precisely the word “restoration” which means, we need to start by getting a good idea of what is our goal, where do we want to get and, the most important part, what, of the existing elements can be used. Remember, restoring also means to save some money on the effort.
Once we have defined what is to be done and what elements are we keeping for the new idea then the work begins, remember that the elements we are about to keep will need restoring of their own so they’ll look good on the finished setting.
Also you need to check that the furniture you are going to use in the restored setting fit the new idea in terms color, space and forms, remember, all elements that are part of the new setting have to fit one with the other to give a sense of a whole.
So, does home restoration actually means demolishing? Now you know that the answer is no and that the whole idea is to reuse as much as possible and then rebuild around it to get a new setting.
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