Mill City Restoration

Paint Contractor: What does it exactly do

Well, we have an interesting topic today, we are going to talk about what a paint contractor is and what is it exactly that they do.

For a start and as the name implies, a paint contractor does exactly that, take care of all the painting related jobs either in a new construction or a home renovation project. Depending on which is, he will do three important tasks to make sure the job is done correctly.

  1. Surface Preparation: This is one of the most delicate parts of the job, the contractor needs to see the surface in which the paint will be applied, determine the necessary preparation that might include removing the previous paint (if done this has to be done very carefully not to damage the surface, specially when it comes to a home restoration project), as well as determining how aged the surface of work is in order to move on to the next step.
  1. Paint preparation: This is a very delicate step and it is directly related to the previous step. First, once the kind of surface is determined and the kind of job too, the paint contractor will select the appropriate paint based on aging of the surface, protection needed and then it will prepare it with solvents (water or oil depending on the paint type).
  1. Paint application: How the paint will be applied depends on the surface, it can be applied typically with brushes and/or rollers as well as spray guns. This is determined based on the type of surface and the aging of it as well as how the coating needs to be.

One of the most important points to mention is that the paint is selected only after the paint contractor has seen the surface and is clear on what the kind of job is (home restoration or normal painting). Not all paints are useful for all purposes, so, knowing what it is for, is a must before even a brush is purchased.

By seeing how your paint contractor takes on this steps will tell you if it is a good one or if you need to reconsider your options.

Please stay tuned for more tips on home restoration and paint contractors.

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